
Monday 10 February 2014


FEB 8, 2014
This past weekend was SO exciting for me! Not only did I celebrate my daughter's 5th Birthday! (OMG GROWING SO FAST!) but I was also given the opportunity to attend Scentsy's Spring Sprint in Toronto, ON!!
I had never been to one before (NEWBIE!!) and I had to admit that I was so anxious and almost nervous about going that I spoiled the surprise for myself by joining the "Spoilers" page on Facebook. I don't know WHY I was nervous... I guess I tend to be a little obsessive when it comes to pre-planning, and wanted to ensure that I was prepared for what was to come.
Now that I think back, being surprised may have been better, but at the same time, I knew what to bring, what to buy, and what I was getting myself into. So... positive, negative ... Ah well! It is what it is!
I do have to say though, I am SOOOOO glad that I went! What a great learning opportunity, and experience. I learned many things, and took so many notes that my hand was cramping and I actually got a blister on my finger!
Everyone that attending was in such good spirits, and everyone pumped each other up! It was definitely a good motivational boost event to go to. Especially around this time of the year... I posted recently about the "5th season" and the stage of being in the "winter blues". This event was a great pick-me-up and helped everyone regain focus and set goals for 2014!
My sponsor Meaghann and I arrived SUPER early. We were both anxious to get into registration, and then to hit up the Scentsy Family Store. We arrived around 7:30AM, and were registered by 7:45AM. We immediately went to the Family Store, had about a 10 min wait in line, and purchased some goodies for the upcoming spring/summer season! (I got a couple packs of the spring/summer Scentsy Fragrance catalogues, Showcase Brochures, Product Lists, Category Stickers and Cards, the spring/summer Grace Adele catalogues, Mini Scentsy Flashlights, Sunglass Cases, and probably a couple other goodies). By the time we finished our mini-shopping spree, it was only 8:30AM. General session didn't start until 10AM. Sooo... we mingled around, checked out the displays, and then waited for our team to come!
Kim did an excellent job ordering our Team Shirts!
Waiting for the General Session room to open!
*PS.. they were about an hour late starting*

During the General Session Paul and Jeff spoke about "selfies" and were teasing one another, so I decided that the time was fitting to take one! LOL
Paul looking all casual and what not, opening General Session.

After Paul showed us his amazing wonder woman Power Pose, Jeff decided to one-up him and give us this little show! Yay for Canada shirts! lol
After about a 1-2 hour presentation and some amazing giveaways, we broke for lunch! MMMM thank goodness, because I was STARVING! lol
After lunch (we had about an hour and half to eat and return) the breakout sessions started. How this worked was there were 6 rooms available that had different leaders doing presentations on various topics. You were able to choose 3 sessions and attend them in any order you'd like. I chose to go to one on recruiting and building your team, one that was on expanding your business beyond family and friends, and then one on Velata. I have to say the first two sessions I attended were AMAZING. the speakers we well versed, and were so personable and easy to listen to. We learned so many different things about how to speak to people, how to approach people, and how to connect on personal levels. I was extremely disappointed with the Velata speaker though, I have to admit. She had a beautiful display, but she didn't really speak about anything. She dipped an apple in chocolate, and then grilled a sandwich on the racklette table top grill. She then pointed us to Google for recipes and ideas for Velata. Honestly... it was horrible, and I feel AWFUL saying that. The poor girl... I don't know if maybe she was just nervous, or wasn't comfortable... but she had to of known what she was getting signed up for when she agreed to be a speaker at this event. It was just so... unprepared?... I guess that's a good way to describe it. Any who, she didn't sell me on the Velata opportunity, so that sucked. It almost felt like a waste of time and that I could have gone to a much more informative session. 
By the end, we were EXHAUSTED, and our heads were filled with new ideas, and we were motivated to set our goals for 2014!
If you debated going to SS this year, and chose not to, then I suggest you go next year! Its a ton of fun, and its only $60!! You definitely get a lot out of the information they provide.
I guess I should also mention the "Free Product Kit" that you receive when you sign up for Spring Sprint. I personally chose to sign up under Scentsy Fragrance (as that's the only brand I was offering at the time that I signed up). In my kit I received quite a few things including: The Scentsy 10 Year warmer/frame (looks very similar to March 2014's warmer of the month), I received one Scentsy Bar in Nashi Nectar (smellllls delish), a set of the spring/summer transition mini testers, a 25-pack of the spring/summer catalogues, washer whiffs in "Scentsy Clean", Liquid Laundry in "Scentsy Clean", one Grace Adele spring/summer 2014 catalogue, one spring/summer Velata Catalogue, A Scentsy Family pen, a Spring Sprint workbook, and probably a few extra goodies as well that I'm drawing a blank on right now).
It was so worth going... It almost makes me want to spend the money to attend Family Reunion... although I'm not quite sure if that's in this years budget!
To see more of my pictures from Spring Sprint check out my Facebook page!
PS... I may or may not have about 20 Scentsy Family pens... not sure where they all came from, but when I got home that evening, there they all were in the bottom of my bag! WHOOPS!
They will make great little gifts for my customer's order bags though!!
Brittany Gerrity
Certified Independent Scentsy Consultant


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