Thursday 14 August 2014

Scentsy Blog Update!!

Talkin Scents 101
Brittany Gerrity

Hello Scentsy Friends!!

I have been so MIA from my Scentsy Fragrance Blog, and I am so very sorry! I have to say though, this is the greatest thing about being part of the Scentsy Family; the fact that I can prioritize my life and my family first and still work my business!!

So this summer has been flying by, and my family and I have been having a blast so far! We have gone on camping trips, to local fairs, spent time with close friends and family, and have been using our weekend time very preciously.

I want to say though, that I have found it very simple to incorporate my Scentsy Fragrance business in all aspects of my family life though.

First off, branding... I don't think you'll see me very often on the weekend without some form of Scentsy Family Store apparel on. This is the easiest way to attract people to your business even while you're on the go! People recognize the logo that you're sporting and come to you!! I always make sure that no matter where I am I have a catalogue (or 3) in my bag or purse to hand out!

Second, I bring a little Scentsy Fragrance everywhere I go! For example, when we go camping, I bring scent circles, and scent paks (as well as Layers samples .... just so I don't have to worry about the wax melting in my trailer), and hand them out to the neighboring campers! I also always bring a layers hand soap for the campground bathroom! ** JUST REMEMBER TO LABEL WITH YOUR INFO JUST IN CASE SOMEONE LOVES IT SO MUCH THEY TAKE IT HOME!! **

My superstar director (as well as the rest of my upline) are also doing a "Summer Movers & Shakers" program with our teams. She has challenged us all to spend at least 15-30 minutes a day on our Scentsy business and then post what we have done to the Facebook group she created. It was the perfect way for us all to stay motivated and to help one another bump ideas off of each other through the summer months.

My director also had a summer team meeting barbeque at her home, this was a fantastic experience for me and we were able to sit down together and talk and chat about what we are doing in our business and how we work things into our busty lives. Most of our team have kids, and families to take care of, so it was awesome to see how even ladies who have 5 kids, and a full time job on top of that work it into their life and still make it successful.

This summer I also added on my first recruit! Yay!! This was a turning point for me in my business, and because of our team BBQ, and how everyone complemented my organizational skills and have now nicknamed me the "queen of information" I know I must be doing something right. Patience and staying positive is the way to go!

My sponsor also just celebrated her first SCENTiversary, YAYYY Meaghann!! It is so great to have such a motivated team around me!! :)

Hmmm what else have I been up to?....

Oh!! I know, I put the Coconut Lemongrass body spray to the test this summer while camping! I had seen a lot of people post on social media outlets about how the Coconut Lemongrass body spray (and other layers products) helped repel mosquitos. I thought to myself, that's crazy, but if its another part of my business I can market, that's great! But, because I am a very honest individual I had to test it out on myself first!.... IT WORKS!! During our first camping trip this summer, the mosquito population seemed to have quadrupled from what it typically is in the summer.... I did NOT use regular bug repellant, and swaped for the Coconut Lemongrass Body Spray from Layers By Scentsy.
I have to say... I only had ONE bite when I got home, while the rest of my friends and family looked like they had a serious case of chicken pox... Needless to say they were all over me about why I didn't share the body spray with them HAHA... But I had to explain that I wanted to prove it worked first before I started to tell everyone around me it worked!!

Another thing I tried out this summer, was my leftover Scentsy Fragrance wax fire starters!
OH EM GEE... these work AMAZINGLY well! My friends were so impressed on how easily we were able to start fires in our fire pits (EVEN IN THE POURING RAIN).
-- For those of you who don't know what the heck I am even talking about... soak up your leftover wax with paper towel, and SAVE IT.... That's your fire starter!!

I am off to start my day at my full time job now!

All my love,

Brittany Gerrity

1 comment:

  1. Amazing post, would you mind checking mine? haute her girl hope you will love it.
