Friday 22 August 2014

The Importance Of Networking

The Importance Of Networking
Talkin Scents 101

Networking is the single most powerful marketing tactic to accelerate and sustain success for any individual or organization. It is about making connections and building enduring, mutually beneficial relationships.
We are constantly bombarded with advertisements, emails, status updates, special offers,  and sales pitches creating a cluttered message. Personal relationships enable you and your organization to stand out, rise above the noise and remain top of mind.
The keyword in this, is relationships.
Relationships are the catalyst for success. It makes sense really... people do business with those they like and trust. Networking provides the most productive, most proficient and most enduring tactic to build relationships. To succeed you must continually connect with new people, cultivate emerging relationships and leverage your network.
Networking is a planned, and ongoing effort. You set goals, develop strategies for achieving them, take action, evaluate how well your plan is working, and make changes as necessary. It is something that you do throughout your career.
Remember, its not always about WHO YOU KNOW... its about WHO KNOWS YOU!

How Do I Network?

Networking doesn't have to be a huge daunting task, mind you, you do need to show consistency and be true on your word with what you are able to offer and provide to those who you connect with.
Simple ways to network are simply being involved. Involve yourself in groups (whether it be at a local chamber meeting and meet other small local businesses around you, or through social media groups).
You can take your networking to any level, it all depends on how dedicated you wish to become, because once you begin your networking journey, you must be there to follow up with your connections when the time comes.
My biggest piece of advice when it comes to networking is to organize yourself, and have a networking plan. Oh.. and don't think these things happen overnight either. This is why I always say that consistency is key when it comes to networking.
You want to be involved as well, especially when it comes to DSA or MLM companies with your team, your up line/down line, and also other leaders and teams! The more people you connect with, the better your business will grow. When you connect and share with people who are within the same industry as yourself, you benefit one another by sharing ideas and marketing/networking strategies.
Remember too, that everyone works their business different, so remember to respect those who choose to view success in a different light than yourself. Respect the connections you make, no matter how large or small they may be, because you never know what the road ahead of you will bring, and its always great to have people who are willing to cheer you on or who have experienced similar situations themselves.

Making a networking plan is the best way to start off (and remember that the higher you aim the more effort you will have to put forth to make your plan come true!)
1) Set Goals For Networking - Deciding who to contact will largely depend on what your goals are.
2) Identify your networking needs and interests - know where you want to go with this and what you need out of it!
3) Learn about formal and informal networks -  Formal networks are the type your actually join, usually with dues and regular meetings. These could include a professional association, a group like the Lion's Club, or an association of school graduates. Informal networks may include friends you run into an annual holiday party, friends from a former job, people from your church, mosque, or synagogue, or people you met while white-water rafting.
4) Familiarize yourself with networking resources - find different platforms that you'd be able to network within - Social Media (although the easiest form) is so overloaded with people who are trying to do the same thing as you are, that you will be that needle in the haystack. You need to make connections face to face, to make an impact and be remembered - RELATIONSHIPS               
 Contacts:Maintain a network that is a manageable size for you. Start off small, and work up to a size that works for you and is beneficial.
1) Make a list of people you already know who you want to include in your network.
2) Make a list of potential contacts
3) Consider how you will contact the people you want to include in your network: in person, email, phone, online, social media etc.

Networking Etiquette:
1) Always respect your contacts - make sure you have their permission to use their name as a referral to get someone else.
2) Make sure you call/contact people at times that are convenient for THEM. Always remember time zones if you are reaching out of your area.... What I mean is, don't contact someone at midnight just to "touch base"
3) Follow through on your promises. If someone asks you for something that you have mentioned, make note of it and ensure you complete that tast within the week. Another example is if you offer to find a phone number for someone, make sure you make good on your word.
4) Always remember to thank anyone who helps you or provides you with leads. It is wise to thank people even if their suggestions or leads don't pan out, contacts will appreciate the follow up.


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