Tuesday 1 July 2014

Network Marketing / Multi-Level Marketing
& Being Successful

The average person, when thinking about multi-level marketing (aka MLM) or direct sales companies have the image in their head... You'd think its all about housewives buying and selling plastic containers or candles while gossiping and eating finger sandwiches, or perhaps a high-pressure salesperson trying to convince you how easily you can get rich if only you and your friends and their friends and so on would buy and sell vitamins with him.

Both of these perceptions could not be further from reality. It is neither a hobby or a get rich scheme (reverting back to my recent post about the Pyramid Scheme vs. Multi-Level Marketing - if you haven't read that, check it out).
Being part of direct sales, although it isn't a difficult position to obtain or to be successful with, it does take time and effort. Multi-level marketing is simply an opportunity to earn money running your own part-time or full-time business. So with this given opportunity, what does it take to be successful?
It's your choice!
You will have to choose wisely, there are many opportunities within the direct sales world to choose from, because you don't have to be "qualified" for the position, the choice is yours.... however, there are a few key elements when choosing the right company (or choosing a good company for that matter). Starting off, you're going to want to look into the stability of the company.... How long have they been in business? Next, think about what product and/or service the company is providing? Is it a product that is of good quality that is also in demand? Is there an opportunity for repeat customers?
Next you'll definitely want to consider how this company plans on paying you.... How fair or even is the pay? It is crucial that you are fully aware of how you will be paid for your efforts before you decide to hop on their band-wagon so to speak. It shouldn't be hard for you to access this information, and you should be told up front before you pay for your enrollment fee (if there is one).
This part is the most important aspect in my opinion, but you're going to want to look into the integrity of the company. As much as it is possible, do your research into the leaders of said company, who is their CEO and what do they believe in, and how do they present their business and/or themselves?
Lastly, when it comes to choosing the right company.... how well do they train you? how well are you supported throughout your journey? Do they even have training or are you left to figure it out on your own, and/or guess that your sponsor (the person whom you sign up under) is going to be good at what they do?
Success - you get out what you put in.
It's a business after all, so treat it like one. What I mean by that is, if you had a store-front, a restaurant, or any other business for that matter, you would have someone who takes care of doing certain things, such as your taxes. You are running your own business, so you will have that ability to write certain things off while running said business, so you're going to want to do your research (in the least) as to what can and cannot be included in your tax return. Now don't get me wrong here, you CAN do taxes yourself (at least where I live you can) but its in your best interest to make sure that these are done properly, and that you get the best benefit that you can out of your business.
Don't quit your day job just yet. This goes back to my point in which you don't just make money overnight. This business takes time, and effort, and although its not unheard of, will not replace your full income right away. Take your time with this company and ensure your 110% comfortable with your income level you're receiving before you make hasty decisions. On a personal note, I have not yet replaced my full income from my full time job, however, I also do not work my business as a full-time placement. Being part of the company I have chosen, I work it part-time and fully enjoy it that way. Again, you get out what you put in.
The world wide web - This is an amazing place to START your direct sales business but I have to encourage everyone that is looking into this, that your best bet and the best way to be successful in this type of industry is to be involved face to face with your customers. Get out there and meet people! Social media is taking direct sales to a whole new playing field, but you want to ensure that you're not one of those who are flooding the internet and causing red flags among others. Social Media can be a blessing and a curse, so use the internet wisely. Also, to point out, the company that you've chosen to be a part of, may offer you a personal website for your customers to order from ensure that if you are responsible for the content, that it is updated/current, and that you are aware of any fees you may incur from having a website provided for you.
Practice what you're taught. Take the time to listen to your up-line and make sure the sponsor you have chosen to sign up under knows what their doing. There's nothing more frustrating than having a sponsor who doesn't know the business themselves, and cannot offer you any help. Do your research. Call the company and ask for someone higher up to sign up under if need be so you know you will have the support and guidance that is sometimes needed when first starting off in direct sales. What that person has done to become successful is duplicable, so be sure its someone who is willing to  "spill the beans" so to say. This point also goes back to, as well, whether or not the company offers training (other than from your up line). Is there a way for you to receive training on your own without your sponsor or director having to tell you themselves? You should have (in some form) access to training and information pertaining to all of the how-to's and the in's and out's of the company that you'd need to know to be successful.
However, with that being said, your up line (your sponsor, your director etc.) should be at your disposal for you to call up at anytime and say "I need your help!!"
Orphans - There is a term in the direct sales world where some people are referred to as orphans. Meaning, they sign up under someone, and they are left to fend for themselves. Being part of direct sales, if you choose to grow a team (although you shouldn't have to do this to be successful - again go back to my post about The Pyramid Scheme vs. MLM) you need to be willing to nurture your recruit. You should be willing to dedicate a lot of your time in the beginning to helping your down line understand themselves how to start up and how to run their business. In my personal opinion, unless you're ready and prepared to guide a team, don't start building one. You can still be successful in direct sales without building a team. So make sure, before doing so, you know the commitment you will need to put forth to be a good leader.
This being said, too... don't allow yourself to become an orphan ... ask questions, and be confident that your up line should be helping you in the beginning.
So, with this novel of a post being said.... Why did I choose Scentsy Fragrance?
Scentsy Family HQ - Meridian, Idaho
Celebrating 10 Years (2004-2014)

First off, when doing research on this company, I was able to find multiple well written and articulated news articles relating to the success of this company. I was also able to research the owner and CEO Orville and Heidi Thompson with ease. Scentsy Fragrance was stared in 2004, and was started from the ground up in a nutshell... (actually in a shipping container). Orville and Heidi do not hide the hardships they went through in the beginning to get this company off the ground and running full speed. It took a lot of time, and a lot of effort on their part.
I knew the product quality already, because I had seen and purchase the product as a customer before, however, I was sold on the safety aspect of the product as well having a young daughter at home. Personally, I LOVE LOVE LOVE candles, but HATE HATE HATE fire. So this was a no brainer for me. I was a candle addict, and now I can be a wickless candle addict and feel safe about doing it!

It is also apparent (even in this very month) how quality is extremely important to the company. If you've followed by blog, you'd know that I recently posted about the July Warmer Of The Month "It's A Party" and how Scentsy decided due to quality not meeting their standards that they would not allow themselves to promote or sell this product. If it doesn't please them, they do not sell it to others. Just imagine how much money it cost to have all of those warmers shipped in, to realize the hand-painted warmer just wasn't "up to par" .... but they stand for what they believe in.
My favourite part about Scentsy Fragrance though, is that each and every one of the consultants who sign up are automatically brought into a family. The Scentsy Family. I speak on a daily basis with consultants from all over the world (not just on my team) and everyone is always willing to give you advice, or a helping hand. We are truly there for one another and refer to ourselves as Scentsy Sisters and Brothers. I have even received personal messages from Heidi Thompson, and for this lady who has a million people messaging and emailing her each day, it was nice to see that even me, as the little guy, was still considered important in her eyes.
The pay with the Scentsy Family is also great.... They are upfront with how the commissions percentages are based. Briefly explained - you start off at 20% commission, and never less than that, but once you reach you first sales goal, your commission is automatically increased to 25% (for me this happened with my first order)... and after that, if you reach certain goals, you can also earn bonuses of 5% plus other incentives like product credit for certain sales goals etc.... They also have a full on compensation chart that is posted in every catalogue to breakdown how commissions are calculated. It's a simple points system (called Personal Retail Volume or PRV) that calculates your sales.... Now... before you even ask.,... Why is it a points system?.. Well simply put, Scentsy is sold World Wide, and in order to make this a fair playing field for everyone all over the world, they base sales on points, that way everyone makes the same based on their sales even with different currencies. *feel free to ask me for more details*
Did I mention they will also send you on all-expenses paid vacations? Of course you need to qualify, but they give you all the tools you need to qualify for these amazing incentives! There is one going on right now actually... It's called Can-Do Cancun, which is a trip to Cancun in January 2015 when you reach a certain point value goal with them. There are tons of consultants who have already achieved this goal :)
Scentsy offers training calls weekly, which are also accessible 24/7 on your workstation (which is the place online that you can organize your business that is provided to you by Scentsy). They also offer incentive events such as Spring Sprint, which was a training session that went across the countries so consultants could attend and get one on one advice from the head honchos in our industry to hear from them personally.
I also have the most amazing up line... My director is out of this world enthusiastic and encouraging! She has given me a lot of advice, and has lifted my spirits on many occasions! My sponsor is quite the gal as well, she's actually a school teacher, and some how, that made me think that she'd be awesome with patience (and I was definitely right about that) I think I asked her 1000 questions in the first 2 days of signing up haha, but she was there for me, and helped me when I needed her.
I have built up a confidence in this business, and I am geared up to pass along my knowledge of everything to everyone I come across. I really cant wait to add to my own team and to be able to be there for them, like my up line has been for me.
Anyway, for those of you who have read through this.... I appreciate you stopping by!
If you did make it through, send me an email ;) tell me your story, and ask me questions!
That's all for now though Scentsy Friends,

All my Love,

Brittany Gerrity
Certified Consultant


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