Monday 16 June 2014

On a personal note...

My Scentsy Blog... My Journey Update

How I'm feeling, and my Personal Goals
Talkin Scents 101
I often get asked by other members of my team how I manage to stay motivated on a daily basis... Motivation is key in the direct sales world. You have to love what you're doing!

My favourite quote is:
 "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you're doing, you will be successful"
I never want anyone to think that being in direct sales is a walk in the park... It doesn't just happen overnight, and you do have to put effort into your business if you wish to succeed. Now... don't let that discourage you, because with the Scentsy Family you truly are given a ton of amazing tools to utilize and their guidance is out of this world amazing. It also would depend on what your goal would be in the long term.... Those who just want to gain back on personal sales, are going to have much different goals than those who wish to build a team.
So..I'm talking about meeting my own personal goals, and when that doesn't necessarily happen....
You see... I tend to shoot for the stars with my goals, rather than take small (more manageable) steps...and I feel as though sometimes I am putting forth exuberant amounts of effort, and I am not seeing the results that I personally want from myself. This is when I become hard on myself.... I always have to revert back to the fact that things happen on their own, when they're supposed to.... and this does take time. Although at times, its hard to keep that mantra within your line of sight.
I also need to learn to make my goals more managble... The goals I set now, shouldn't be short term, they should be more of long term goals... I know this in the back of my mind, but I am so eager to share Scentsy with everyone... So I suppose balance with goals is key.

So, to make sure I keep myself on track for reaching said personal goals, I have found that simply writing down your goal helps a ton. This may sound silly, but to all of those who have their "Dream Boards" done up are actually the ones who tend to reach their personal goals (from those I have met anyway). Thus far, I haven't posted a "dream board" for the world to see when they walk into my home, but I think that may be my next goal... putting it out there. As of right now I just write down my personal goals in my binder, and only see it when I open that up...
So maybe if its IN MY FACE, it will stay on my mind better, and be more motivational to start accomplishing those goals.

So, that will be my first goal ... reaching my goals?... lol

Next, I have decided that I will dedicate a minimum of 15-30 minutes towards my Scentsy Fragrance business per day. It could be a combined 30 minute session of sitting down and planning... or I can be accumulated throughout the day by completing and doing smaller tasks. Our Super Star Director actually started a motivational summer thing with our teams... Its called the Summer Movers and Shakers... we all post daily on the Facebook group about what we managed to accomplish that day in regards to our Scentsy Fragrance business.... I LOVE THIS IDEA. It's awesome because your fellow independent consultants can bounce ideas off of one another, and learn different ways to operate a Scentsy Fragrance business to get to those goals.

I also tend to go over the #ichoosescentsy / #ichoose calendar that Scentsy provided us around the time of Spring Sprint this year... It was a pre-determined calendar full of daily challenges to complete.
Now... my next biggest goal (which will be an ongoing one) although it may seem small, is getting out of my comfort zone.... behind a keyboard I tend to be able to communicate what I wish to portray much easier than if I were face to face with someone.. I know this is the case for many of us.... Not that I am shy in any means, once a conversation is going, I have no issues...
I am speaking solely in the regards of going up to a complete stranger... say in the grocery store, or at the bank, etc... and just simply talking about Scentsy. I feel like I may be interrupting their day or something... I always try and be available to everyone, but I feel like people now-a-days lead such busy lifestyles and they always seem like they're in a rush to get onto their next daily task.
So, I need to figure out a way to be involved with my community, and share the Scentsy experience with those around me, without being nervous that I am being a burden. Hrrmmm... maybe that sounds silly... I don't know, but it is how I feel lol.
I also need to discover a good way to introduce and share the Scentsy experience from an Independent Consultants point of view... you know, how it has changed their lives, or what they can achieve by enrolling....
So... Throughout this post, I have described several personal goals... So these are the areas I know that I need to improve upon and focus on... and that is my plan!
What do you do to stay motivated?

That's all for now Scentsy Friends!

All my love,

Brittany Gerrity
Certified Consultant

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